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FS2004 FDC Live Cockpit With Working Serial
Games > PC
255.62 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Oct 30, 2006


This exciting, feature packed Add-on enhances the virtual world for every aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

FDC Live Cockpit! brings the PC Pilots flight deck to life with full crew audio enhancements and a complete airport ambience including boarding sounds etc. He can choose from 15 different flight deck voice sets and can even add his own voice variations. In addition he can choose cabin crew announcements in many different languages and dialects. 

A virtual co-pilot catapults the reality feeling to new heights in flight simulation. Audio checklists with many interactive items underline the professional approach in flying an aircraft. Numerous flight deck calls are based on the aircraft type, weight and speed. The user can hear the captain making flap and gear calls at the correct time to which the virtual co-pilot will respond to and will operate gear and flaps.

Custom aircraft files for all Microsoft default and numerous add-on aircraft are included and a checklist and performance editor will let the user add any aircraft he likes.

Numerous presets are ready for a quick and professional flight. Still the program is fully configurable to fit the needs of each and every aircraft and pilot.

Also included: a Flight Log, Blackbox Log and many, many more items, which will make the Flightsimmer a happy pilot.



Thanks, it would be even better, if you'd SEED!
Looks great... no good to us if it's not seeded though! Thanks anyway
Which version is this? 3.1?
WTF is WRONG with you people? Let's go over a little bit of "Torrents For Dummies" info here:

When you upload a torrent to TPB (or any bittorrent tracker), you are only uploading a very small file containing information all the leechers need to connect to each other and share the file. The file you're sharing (in this case, FDC Live Cockpit, isn't magically compressed into a 22kb file and placed on TPB servers. IT'S ON YOUR COMPUTER - AND IT FUCKING STAYS ON YOUR COMPUTER UNTIL AT LEAST ONE OF THE LEECHES DOWNLOADS 100% OF THE FILE(S) YOU'RE SHARING!! IF YOU DON'T SEED THE FUCKING FDC Live Cockpit APP, NOBODY GETS FDC Live Cockpit - GOT IT?!

And if you decide to seed for like 5 hours with a choke on your upload speed of like 5kb/s, and then decide you're tired of seeding because "it should have been enough to make everybody happy", you've just fucked everyone with a 45% complete download because you're a stoop and have no fucking clue wtf you're doing on a bittorrent site uploading torrents!

Think about it - use some fucking common sense - if you've got a 255MB package, and it takes less than 2 seconds to "upload the torrent to TPB", do you really think the whole 255MB package just magically flew through your modem to TPB servers and it's all done??

Grow a brain people, and use it. Geezzzz...

Sorry to be on about this shit again, but it gets to a point where one just starts to wonder how stupid people can get on here, you know? Please just use some common sense. ;-)
Is it possible to upload only the crack? Because i have the noncracked version stored on my harddisk
Gtreat job, thanks for this btw
I agree!!
thanks stevekasian for the comment
lol - sing it brother Steve! Ya gotta sing it from the top of the mountain
Sometimes I yell at people the second the thought of uploading enters their mind. Only yesterday did I tell somebody to suck my dick blue when they... whatever. Just seed in my mouth.
ROFL Panodilo. will be possible to seed..??? or maybe better...get this torrent rid of the list....?
Seem's raf-aldergrove still stuck .
Seed ya cunt does it for me! :)
You have right Stevekasian...100% right.
No wonder more why it's so much viruses on the net actually.
On the net it's 99% ppls who are pure morons..and they seed very well between them all the viruses.... lol...and the other or make the viruses.....ROFL.
Yes sing it from the top of the highest mountain...but unluckely the morons don't like don't have a good hope for the future... :)
REQ. FSX - Cloud9 Xclass Europe
Thanks for the upload well.... waiting for more than a day now nothing happend
what happened to our sweet raf-aldergrove? did he die eating mushrooms?
It would be cool , if you where to seed it!
No one can dowload. Who has a crack for this program??????
Please fix the download.
It's been 4 days now and still not seeded... RAF-ALDERGROVE either SEED this please or remove it so that nobody else wastes their time!! It's no bloody use to anyone if you don't SEED IT!
RAF-ALDERGROVE is a fucking dolt. lol
ETA: Funnly little 8 on it's side - I'm sure that means 'infinity'. Infinity's such a long time - especially towards the end :)

RAF..why don't y seed this..been waiting 5 days now?
Perhaps raf-aldergrove was just about to click on the button to start seeding when he died. He's probably still sat at his computer even now, hand on the mouse, index finger on the left mouse button, just a small amount of pressure and it'd start seeding and we'd all be happy! - but no. Someday, when the neighbours start complaining about the smell from his decomposing corpse and the post man can't get any more junk mail through his letterbox they'll call the police who will break down his door and find his body.
I'd give up on this torrent if you have been waiting for 5 days and nothing has happened.
what a gimp, i give up.

can you just post the serial?
Can you post a adress email valide with serial ?
Thanks advance
Please SEED Sir =)